Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Free Webinar identifying with DimDim

If you work in the company, which often hold meetings or industries that require long-distance collaboration, you would have heard the term began many webinars recently. Web-based meeting that usually also includes collaborative sessions, exchange ideas through the whiteboard feature, presentation or desktop sharing is very useful to teach a new concept to other people or to give presentations via the web.

Currently, many players have been competing to serve the corporate market, but currently there is still a site called DimDim that provides free conference services for groups totaling 20 people or less. DimDim not only offer free registration for the webinar 20 members or less, but they also offer the application as open source packages so that users can use in their own servers.

DimDim not ask for your name, email or password - people you know to join in the webinar only need to open links sent via email when your webinar session begins. Needed to access the DimDim only middling speed internet connection and a browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, other alternative if you do not use the web based applications is to download a free desktop application.


You can create different types of conference DimDim according to your needs and participants. You can make meeting the audio and video, audio only or both if you do not just want a chat session. You can merptasi three mikropohne special for the three participants of your choice, determine whether your guests can see each other or not, and also determine the duration of the meeting.

Here is a snippet from the image DimDim action.



According to the review of Lifehacker, overall DimDim give users the flexibility and fungionalitas excess to the price you pay. Maybe


you can try it yourself

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